Posted by: Kristin | October 22, 2011

Learning How to Be Salesian

“Let us be who we are and be that well, in order to bring honor to the Master Craftsman whose handiwork we are.” –St. Francis de Sales

The Catholic high school where I began working in August is under the patronage of St. Francis de Sales.  The school tries to integrate Salesian spirituality into all aspects of school life.  So I over the past couple months, I have learn a lot about St. Francis de Sales.  First and most importantly to me at least, he is also the patron saint of writers.  (Clearly, God knows I need St. Francis’ intercession in my writing.  I’d also like to take this moment to beg the forgiveness of my 2 readers who have been daily checking my blog for updates for over a month.  The only excuse I can is that working with high school kids is much more emotionally draining than I ever imagined.  Pray for your high school teachers!)

St. Francis de Sales taught that everyone is called to holiness.  The quote above is the motto for the school, and as teachers we are encouraged to help the students learn who they are.  Be who are you are and be that well.  It sounds so simple, but in practice being who you are can be difficult.  I remember when I was a junior in high school, my religion teacher made us all write a couple paragraphs in response to the question, “Who are you?”  In the end I think my answer was something like “I don’t know yet.”

It’s been almost ten years since I answered that question in high school, and only now am I really learning how to be who am (and trying really hard to be that well).  However, it’s the second part of this quote that really strikes me – “in order to bring honor to the Master Craftsman whose handiwork we are.”  We have to have a purpose.  It’s difficult to be who we are, especially in a culture in which we are constantly bombarded with ads telling us we’re not good enough as we are so we need product x to make us better.  So it’s difficult, but not impossible, in fact when our purpose is to honor God, all things are possible, even being who you are.

I don’t expect an answer on my blog, but when you have a moment to yourself, see if you can answer that question, “Who are you?”

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