Posted by: Kristin | January 4, 2012

Things Librarians Have to Know

In my last 5 months as a library, I’ve been asked many questions that begin with “Do you know…”   And I have been happy to answer each and every one of them, often swelling with pride, because while I do not know everything, I do know how to find information on just about everything.

So today when a student came into the library, stopped in front of the desk, looked at me very seriously and asked, in a tone that suggested her question was of the utmost importance, “Do you know how to get a zipper unstuck?”, I couldn’t help laughing.  She immediately plopped her backpack down on the reference desk to show me the zipper in question, and sure enough it was stuck.

I pulled and jerked at it for about 30 seconds before it came unstuck.  Then the student looked at me in complete astonishment, and exclaimed, “How did you do that?!”  I smiled and said, “You have to know these things when you’re a librarian.”

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